Antidumping duty on cocoa butter, fat and oil imports from Malaysia
According to the Notice no. 2022/23 of the Ministry of Trade of Turkey dated 21 September 2022, Turkey imposed antidumping duty on cocoa...
Antidumping duty on cocoa butter, fat and oil imports from Malaysia
Antidumping (Anticircumvention) duty on artificial leather fabrics imports from Malaysia and Greece
Antidumping (Anticircumvention) duty on artificial leather imports from Malaysia and Jordan
Turkey extended antidumping duties on vulcanised rubber thread and cord imports from Malaysia
Antidumping duties on polyester textured yarn extended
Antidumping duties on fabric imports extended for 5 years
Antidumping duties on polyester yarn imports extended for another 5 years
Antidumping duty on fabric imports from Malaysia